
This morning I turned to the beauty, built a fire while three ravens cackled at two hawks. It was not serious warfare… more an exchange of suspicious glances across the borders of status and majesty. I had a conversation with the sky about bringing rain and wondered if a particle of smokey ash could ride […]

A Place of Unknowing

When the arms of my spirit are weary of hurling inward burdens into the wind, I fade off trail into a hollowed place of unknowing, close my eyes and slip into a healing sleep, for I can carry this heaviness no more… to waken sometime later during the last whispering moment of one of God’s […]


I drove to the old neighborhood on a Tuesday morning, looking for a place inside of me that was left untouched by time and trying, vacant of ego, quiet of the voice of recompense. I stepped out of the car where Sachem Street meets Quincy Bay, climbed over the seawall as the musk of low […]


He lives in that fine gap between the rock and the petroglyph though as a child he was not yet ruined by notion. For the exile stopped knowing it all, having trudged through the canyonlands to see that descent is always lost on triumphalists. For the exile stopped knowing it all, having drank too much […]