The Great Wheel

All of everything is a great wheel turning, vast, of all galaxies, all universes, of which ours is most certainly small. Human time is the flick of a finch feather and our inhabitance will keep as long as we care for it, no longer. There is only one requirement, that is, to roll inside the […]

You Were Born a Poet

“In the respects in which the soul is unlike God, it is also unlike itself.”  St. Bernard You were born a poet, slow to affiliations otherwise. You do not belong but to elements and instincts, just the basics, in a place, embodied, of a home and a small handful of people. You were familied, churched, […]

The Returning

We two, on six brooding feet traversed the sandy trail, an earthen record of morning walks, strung along the ruins of an old forgotten summer resort. I could see children bursting out slappity screen doors free into the sun, fingers raking through the tall grass, laughter fading into green shadows. It left me vacant, alone […]