
I read twenty to thirty books at a time, piecemeal, like short visits to important people I wouldn’t want to bother with my insignificance. These days I’m stricken with attention deficit disorder beneath which flows a stream of consciousness confluenced to a sure mystery. That’s where I have come to rest at this age. Stars […]

You Were Born a Poet

“In the respects in which the soul is unlike God, it is also unlike itself.”  St. Bernard You were born a poet, slow to affiliations otherwise. You do not belong but to elements and instincts, just the basics, in a place, embodied, of a home and a small handful of people. You were familied, churched, […]


The day dies young in winter, into the dusky cold… o go inside it says, make fire! I am declining, remaining, out beneath the indigo. In this descending, thoughts and moods laid low, as waiting, as dormant, the silent length of nearing night is hard, a rasp on the cheek, a bite on the ear, but […]